Tales of Wind Q&A

2019-02-20 17:33:15

Chu~ chu~ means say hi~  :P 
Hey, many thanks to everyone who is keeping a watchful eye on Tales of Wind!

Tales of Wind is an open world, Heartwarming and Charming MMORPG.

So, as many fans were asking a lot of questions about ToW, let's get to Q&A part.

Q1. Is ToW another version of Laplace M, and any regions available?

a. Yes, ToW is the only official global version of Laplace M in North/South America and Europe  :)

Q2. Any CB or OB schedule?

a. Around March 15th, the CB would be free to the facebook fans only. And it will be globally launched at the end of April.

Q3. How many languages would ToW has?

a. 7 languages we will support  :P Such as English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Turkish, Russian.

Q4. Do you need any GM or moderator? 

a. Yes, we do:p For the ones who want to be GM, please share this post to your timeline(open to all) and take a comment, we will check and talk to you with FB messager

Q5. Any pre-registration rewards in advance?

a. Yes, please tap https://tow.neocraftstudio.com/

to find more bonus sothat you could have a perfect start  :P 

Any other questions are welcomed in the comments.
Chu~ chu~

About Us:

NEOCRAFT is a listed dark horse gaming company with market value over 1.5 billion RMB. Being headquartered in Shanghai China, we gather the greatest team to make fun games with heart. Headed by the founder of Blizzard China, EMA builds its elite team with members from Apple, UbiSoft, NetEase, Tencent and other well-known companies such as McKinsey and Coca-Cola. We specialize in strongly interactive, long life-cycle MMOs and multiplayer competitive games. Our new product Ever Adventure has been selected by Tencent Aurora Project and will be launched in the near future.